Privacy Policy


1. We respect your privacy

Customer Due Diligence (“CDD”) is required to be completed by:

Forest Harrison

(“we”) under the AML/CFT Act. CDD requires that we collect documents such as; Identification, proof of address, Information relating to the nature and purpose of a proposed business relationship or transaction, information required to assess if Enhanced Customer Due Diligence should be applied; and Enhanced Customer Due Diligence documentation where applicable. CDD requires that we verify the identification documents obtained under the relevant sections of the AML/CFT Act.

2. Collection, storage, use, and destruction of personal information

We are subject to the Privacy Act 2020 (“Privacy Act”) and we are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. The information which is collected in accordance with part 1 above is managed and collected in accordance with the privacy act but governed by our obligations under the AML/CFT Act.

We will collect information directly from the person concerned. In addition:
i. We may retain such information for a period of 5 years after the business relationship has ended. Once 5 years have passed, we will arrange for the safe destruction of any electronic and paper-based records.
ii. We may store such information through the Realyou Limited (RealAML) dashboard. iii. We provide access to such personal information collected from you and provide an allowance for the correction of any information held which is factually incorrect. We will not provide access to information that may prejudice obligations under the AML/CFT Act; and
iv. We will disclose personal information which may be required to uphold, or enforce the law or otherwise in accordance with the AML/CFT Act or Privacy Act.
We will use the information pursuant to our obligations under the AML/CFT Act. We will also, in relation to identification information and documentation obtained in accordance with the AML/CFT Act:
v. Electronically verify any identity (and address) information provided, by a third- party identification platform, RealAML.
vi. RealAML securely stores personally identifiable information (PII) data encrypted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Sydney, Australia.
vii. We will use personal information such as names, dates of birth, nationalities, and sex to determine if there are any matches on global sanctions registers, or connections to being a politically exposed person.